This just released...

The Awards Committee, Publication Committee, and Board of Directors of the College are pleased to announce this year's Award Recipients who will be honored at the 2024 Annual Meeting. We will be providing additional information of all our honorees in the days ahead. 

Join us in congratulating:  

The Abraham Lilienfeld Award
Dr. Robert Hiatt

The Distinguished Service Award
Dr. Pauline Mendola
Dr. Edward Trapido
The Outstanding Mentorship Award
Being presented for the first time to:
Dr.  Purnima Madhivanan
Early Career Epidemiologist Award
Dr. Lang Wu (Etiology Stream)
Dr. Maya Mathur (Methodology Stream)

Annals of Epidemiology Best Paper Award

Dr. Hilary Robbins

Annals of Epidemiology Early Career Best Paper Award

Dr. Paul Wesson

Student Paper Prize

Doctoral Candidate Adoma Manful

and being inducted as
Honorary Fellows of the College:
Dr. William J. Blot
Dr. Sherman James
 Dr. Electra D. Paskett
Dr. Margaret Spitz
Dr. Walter Willett

Additionally, ACE will be presenting the Best Poster Awards
based on the presentation of posters at the Annual Meeting.

All these outstanding professionals will be honored at the Awards Ceremony & Luncheon on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. at the Annual Meeting.

Register Today—so you can be present to congratulateand support our 2024 Award Recipients & Honorees!